Forensic Planning
The forensic planning service from Logic PM enables clients to understand delays that occurred during a construction programme period and evaluates whether those delays were foreseeable and avoidable. Forensic planning can also be used to assess how much of an influence the delays may have had on the overall cost and timescale of a project.
What is Forensic Planning?
Forensic planning is the process of understanding delays which have occurred in construction programme periods. The word ‘forensic’ is used because this work is typically undertaken after the construction process has been completed. Forensic planning is usually required due to legal action being taken by either party of the contract.
All construction contracts will have a commencement and completion date, therefore allowing a construction programme to be formulated detailing when activities will take place. Construction projects can be delayed due to a number of varying circumstances; these often include:
• Inadequate information
• Contractor failures
• Variations [in specification and design]
• Poor communication
• Financial issues
The above factors, along with other problems, can result in delays to a construction contract. By understanding these delays, a planning engineer can assess and formulate the impact of each issue on the construction programme as a whole.
Working with Logic PM Forensic Planning Engineers
At Logic PM, our engineers are fully versed in the latest programming techniques for understanding critical path analysis and delays to a project. We can take information in whatever format is available, e.g. meeting minutes, marked up programmes, written correspondence, drawing revisions, etc. Even sifting through paperwork can assist us in developing a detailed forensic analysis of the delays to your project.
One of the methods used by our planning engineers is window sampling. Window sampling allows us to take a number of predetermined periods of time and analyse the implications of the collated information and the impact on the construction activities within that period. This is a particularly efficient and cost-effective method of analysis which can assist clients, contractors and legal professionals in drawing conclusions about the overall implications of the delays.
Using the Forensic Planning Report
Parties can use the information we present to confirm or refute allegations made within contractual disputes. A forensic planning report can depict the facts in a GANTT style format with information overlaid against the original contract dates to visually demonstrate delays.
The forensic planning report may reveal that one area of delay may not have had an impact on other areas of the building or that delays were caused by other means such as late information, incorrect detailing or insufficient resources and materials.
A forensic programme can be a useful tool in adding justification to the claim that you are submitting or defending. Having a concise view of the impact that delayed programme activities have caused in the overall scheme gives mediators, arbitrators or lawyers facts (based on our analysis of developments throughout the project) in order to defend or support your claim. Also, displaying evidence in a graphical format ensures that all parties understand the results of the forensic planning report and helps to ensure that the right outcome is reached.
Contact Logic PM today to find out more about our forensic planning services. We will be happy to provide a free consultation to help determine whether a forensic planning report would be a useful tool for your case. Email [email protected] or call 0203 397 7444.